02/07/2019 / By News Editors
After the massive media fail just a few short weeks ago when the media helped make a selectively edited video go viral in order to attack a group of Covington Catholic high school students who were wearing MAGA hats, the media has once again jumped onto a “MAGA Hate hoax” story that has been falling apart since the initial reporting.
(Article by Susan Duclos republished from AllNewsPipeline.com)
Before getting into the details of the alleged attack on Empire actor Jussie Smollett and the massive disinformation campaign by the media to create a “MAGA” crime, a brief recap and update on the Covington MAGA Hate hoax.
In the case of the Covington kids, the media accused them of “surrounding” and elderly Indian “Vietnam veteran,” and “mocking” him. The entire media narrative was proven to be false within 24 hours, when the full one hour 46 minute video was published.
The full nearly two hour video showed 1) The Indian man approached the teenagers, they did not “surround” him; 2) He was not a “Vietnam” veteran, and; 3) They did not taunt or mock him, but were confused as to why he got into one of the students face and started pounding his drum at him and joined in with his chants.
That is the short recap. We now see that letters have finally gone out from the lawyer representing Nick Sandmann, the boy that became the face of the Covington students that have been slandered and libeled by multiple media outlets and personalities, as well as a number of celebrities, and the list of names the Sandmann lawyers are going after is impressive.
The Covington Catholic High School lawyers sent letters, alerting potential defendants to pending lawsuits, to: The NY Times, Maggie Haberman, Washington Post, CNN, NPR, Savannah Guthrie, Andrea Mitchell, Joy Reid, Chuck Todd, The Hill, The Atlantic, Kathy Griffin, GQMagazine, Elizabeth Warren, The Guardian, TMZ, Capitol Hill Publishing Corp., Diocese of Covington, Diocese of Lexington, Archdiocese of Louisville, Diocese of Baltimore, Erin Burnett, Sara Sidner, Ana Cabrera, Amanda Watts, Ilhan Omar, Noah Berlatsky, Elisha Fieldstadt, and Eun Kyung Kim.
According to multiple reports, more names are to be added. The lawyers gave each high profile person, whether politicians, media outlets, individual journalists, or celebrities, a significant amount of time to retract, delete, or apologize for spreading the fake news about the Covington students, and their attacks against the students, after the truth was revealed.
Many outlets and individuals did delete their original tweets and postings, others apologized, and some outlets retracted and/or corrected their original false accounts, but the names listed above, did not, and in fact some continued attacking young Mr. Sandmann and the other students, which has led to online and offline threats of violence and death, and those are the people the Sanmann family lawyers are going after.
One of those lawyers, L. Lin Wood, has also published a nearly 15 minute video, described in the following manner: “2 weeks ago, the mainstream media, politicians, church officials, commentators, & celebrities rushed to judgment to wrongfully condemn, threaten, disparage & vilify Nick Sandmann based solely on a few seconds of an out-of-context video clip. It only takes 15 minutes to learn the truth. Here it is.”
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Jussie Smollett is a black, gay actor that stars in a show called Empire. Smollett previously has shown massive hate for President Trump, integrated into videos, and documented statements calling him a “pig, racist and a horrible human being.”
First Discrepancy: Last week a report from TMZ came out, which was followed by multiple liberal establishment media outlets, alleging that Smollett was attacked and that Smollett told police “racial and homophobic” comments were made to him during the alleged attack and the assailants yelled “This is MAGA country.”
Via the initial TMZ report:
The 2 men — both white and wearing ski masks — viciously attacked Jussie as he fought back, but they beat him badly and fractured a rib. They put a rope around his neck, poured bleach on him and as they left they yelled, “This is MAGA country.”
Jussie took himself to Northwestern Memorial where he was treated. He was discharged later Tuesday morning.
The story started breaking down almost immediately when the Chicago Police Department issued a statement to Reason Magazinesaying “”According to the victim, the offenders’ faces were concealed. We have no record indicating that [they shouted ‘MAGA’], we only have record of them shouting racial and homophobic slurs at him.”
We later came to find out that in the initial interview with police, Smollett never mentioned anything to do with “MAGA country,” but instead added that detail in a follow up interview at a later tim, after it was already reported by TMZ.
Reason Magazine provided screen shots of the two separate statements by the Chicago PD:
Second & Third Discrepancies: We now find out that after dozens and dozens of reports claiming Smollett was hospitalized for a fractured rib, yet no hospital records were provided to the police, that Smollett himself has now stated he was not hospitalized, and his rib was bruised, not broken.
At end of his show just before the encore, Smollett took a moment to clarify details on the attack, noting that he had suffered bruises but no broken ribs and had gone to a doctor promptly. He also said he was not hospitalized and that his physicians in Los Angeles and Chicago had given him the green light to perform.
Conservative pundit Michelle Malkin highlights a number of media social media posts all citing a “broken rib,” that are still available on Twitter, asking how many plan to correct their disinformation.
Via Malkin’s Twitter account: “Last night, Smollett publicly admitted his rib was NOT broken or fractured, a “fact” first reported by @tmz based on sources close to Smollett and spread like wildfire by lib narrative-driven media. How many will correct?”
She then goes on to publish the tweets in question, such as CBS Los Angeles that tweeted “”Empire” star Jussie Smollett breaks his silence about the alleged hate crime that left him bruised with a broken rib. He wrote, “My body is strong but my soul is stronger.”
Others she linked to include NYT reporter Liam Stack, TheGrio website, MoveOn, ESPN’s Michael Eaves, 92Q Nashville, CASSIUS, and TV personality Scott Nevins. They all cited the non-existent “broken rib,” and many also falsely claimed Smollett was hospitalized, without corrections or retractions.
In yet another bit of strangeness about this whole story: Smollett told police that he was on the phone with his manager at the time of the attack. The manager made the same claim and also added that he heard the “This is MAGA country” statement from the alleged assailants, but the Chicago PD told NBC News “The actor declined to share telephone records that could show he was speaking with his manager just as the alleged assault happened early Tuesday morning in Chicago.”
Smollett now claims he is attempting to get the police the phone records but he was “uncomfortable” allowing them access to his phone to verify his claim of being on the phone with his manager at the time.
Other strange parts of Smollett’s narrative is that he waited approximately 40 minutes to call the police, and apparently, managed to hold on to his Subway sandwich during the alleged attack because he was seen carrying into an apartment building afterwards.
Via National Review:
So Smollett underwent a vicious beating by two attackers that apparently lasted less than 60 seconds, since that is the reported gap in surveillance footage between an image of him without a rope around his neck and an image of him with the rope. Smollett now says he fought back, but apparently he lost neither his Subway sandwich nor his cell phone in this brawl. Also he didn’t immediately call the police on that phone to describe the suspects and inform the police which way they had gone when they suddenly ran away from him, but instead waited about 40 minutes to inform the police.
The police are combing through countless hours of video footage, but have not found any images of the alleged attack itself.
All a liberal activist has to do is scream “MAGA,” and the media runs to jump on any story that is negative against someone wearing MAGA gear, a hat or a shirt, without even waiting for the official details and reports.
One would think that after the utter humiliation of the Covington debacle and the fact that multiple media outlets, celebrities and individual journalists are presently facing lawsuits over their disastrous and irresponsible reporting that incited their lunatic followers into making death threats against Catholic teenage high school students, the media would attempt to stop making themselves look foolish…… one would think wrong if they thought that.
The liberal media establishment never learns to wait for “evidence,” or the full story, in their never-ending Trump Derangement Syndrome diseased minds, all they have to see or hear is the term MAGA and nothing else matters but to run with a story that has unraveled so much so that some are even wondering if the entire incident was a hoax.
Today’s liberal establishment media complex has become a dangerous cult.
According to the short NBC News clip below, police have not been able to find “evidence” of an attack, Smollett was seen on his apartment security camera as walking into the building with a rope around his neck, but did not notify their security of the attack, and the image of the persons “of interest” might, or might not be the those that allegedly attacked Smollett.
To be clear, it is not just Republicans, or MAGA supporters that are questioning Smollett’s account of the alleged attack, as you can see below from videographer TheDen, too many inconsistencies and outright lies have been spread, by the media, and contradicting accounts from Smollett himself, to take this story at face value.
As the man below states “It smells fishy.” (LANGUAGE WARNING)
Tagged Under:
CNN, Covington, Fact Check, fake news, hate crime, Hate speech, hoax, Journalism, Liberal media, MAGA, maga hate hoax, mainstream media, Media Lies, Nathan Phillips, POTUS, President Trump, propaganda, Social media, Trump, Trump Derangement Syndrome
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