President Donald J. Trump trolled Democrats again on the day the House Intelligence Committee heard testimony from FBI Director James …
To say that official Washington – that includes the establishment media, elected leaders, pundits, talking heads and think tanks – …
Even as the House Speaker and top members of the Senate Intelligence Committee said Thursday they’ve yet to see any …
The story regarding President Donald J. Trump’s allegations that he was “wiretapped” at Trump Tower by the Obama administration, has …
There are a lot of theories floating around involving the very obvious fact that then-GOP presidential nominee Donald J. Trump …
Few people outside of the U.S. intelligence community and congressional intelligence committees are aware of a post-World War II intel-sharing …
Chris Ruddy, the CEO of Newsmax, is fortunate among media types. He doesn’t just have “access” to President Donald J. …
It’s no wonder the majority of Americans no longer have any faith or trust whatsoever in the Washington establishment media. …
The latest bombshell out of the new administration in Washington D.C. reveals that former president Barack Obama bugged Trump tower …
When it comes to Americans defending themselves with a firearm, the ridiculous, Left-wing media gets hysterical. For some reason, to …