08/14/2020 / By Zoey Sky
Mainstream media claims that coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread across the country, but does anyone really know how many cases there are? According to Dr. Tim O’Shea, the number of COVID-19 cases in the U.S. may be drastically different from positive tests, which the media insists are the same when they are two different things.
In O’Shea’s podcast thedoctorwithin, he explained to listeners that the coronavirus lockdowns in America have “never been based on science,” but instead, on extreme politics.
To fully understand and dissect the false narrative of “resurgence” spread by mainstream media, you first need to learn the terms below:
Unfortunately, mainstream media distorted these definitions to achieve maximum compliance, all the while worrying that people will take a second look to discover the truth.
So is it true that there was a “sudden sharp uptick in positive tests?” Yes, but that’s because within two months, the country went from less than 25,000 tests per day to almost 600,000 tests per day. This then resulted in the enormous rise in positives in every state.
But remember, a case is when someone gets sick from a disease, which is not a positive test! These two terms are not synonymous like media pretends.
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Earlier in May, Tony Robbins, renowned author, entrepreneur and business strategist, interviewed several health experts in The Tony Robbins Podcast who disagree with the daily narrative.
First up was Dr. Michael Levitt, Nobel Prize for Chemistry winner and structural biology professor at Stanford University, who explained that decisions for a mass shutdown were made from an anti-scientific dynamic. Epidemiologists will always exaggerate the numbers so no one can accuse them of mitigating a new threat.
Normally, diseases burn their way through a population until reaching a saturation point, usually at around one death per thousand, like in any typical flu season. This is true herd immunity.
But COVID-19 is being marked as something unique in history using numbers roulette. If everybody who walks into a clinic with a fever or a headache is counted as a case with no testing, then COVID-19 numbers will obviously soar.
Robbins also interviewed State Senator Scott Jensen, a physician from Minnesota. Jensen had one word to describe diagnosing COVID-19 when there’s no evidence: incentivized.
Jensen shared that he received a memo from the Minnesota Department of Health advising physicians on how to complete a death certificate. They were coached to indicate COVID-19 as a cause of death even if it was actually the third or fourth diagnosis. The same goes for COVID-19 comorbidity, or when the disease is suspected but not tested along with another condition.
If a patient is dying due to congestive heart disease or emphysema at the ICU, they may test positive for COVID-19 a week before they die. The cause of death will then be listed as COVID.
That’s been standard policy since March of this year. It doesn’t end there. There are also financial incentives for inflated COVID-19 numbers, revealed Jensen. He shared that Medicare will automatically pay $4,600 to $5,000 for a diagnosis of pneumonia.
Hospital administrators might receive $13,000 for COVID-19 pneumonia, but the amount skyrockets to $39,000 if the same COVID-19 pneumonia patient requires a ventilator. This suggests that physicians in hospitals are incentivized to diagnose as many COVID-19 cases as possible.
In another interview, Robbins talked to Dr. Alan Preston, former professor of epidemiology and biostatistics at Texas A&M University.
Preston explained how the case fatality rate has been constantly over reported since day one. It started back in March with the prediction for 2 million U.S. deaths. People seem to forget that COVID-19 is a mild disease for 99 percent of infected patients who require no treatment and eventually recover within one week to 10 days.
Preston noted that the numbers suddenly peaked in mid-March in an “impossible way.” One day, there was an exponential spike in testing, followed by a spike in cases even though the testing was unnecessary.
Robbins himself said that in April, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced that testing was no longer necessary to make a COVID-19 diagnosis. With no proof of diagnosis required, mass media can claim any number that they want, which is what they’ve been doing all along.
Preston also expressed his doubts about the coming vaccine, particularly since experts have been working on the SARS vaccine for 10 years. The results of the 15-year work on the flu shot aren’t as optimistic, and the same goes for the 30-year work on the AIDS vaccine. He cautioned that a rushed COVID-19 vaccine would probably be just as ineffective.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, a physician and immunologist who owns half of the patent for the new COVID-19 vaccine, claims that America can’t go back to normal without a vaccine. This popular notion also fuels the extended lockdown in the country.
But if experts can’t come up with a cure for AIDS or the common cold, is there even hope for a COVID-19 vaccine? Preston warned that the COVID-19 lockdown can do more harm than good. It can suppress your immune system.
Lockdowns also promote the normal saturation of a new disease trying to reach herd immunity since people are isolated from normal interaction and contact. (Related: US ‘frontline’ doctors website exposes ‘criminal’ campaign by tech giants, govt agencies to block COVID cure.)
In New York City, 86 percent of new infections were from people who stayed home all the time. The same is true for other countries.
A strong immune system needs to be constantly challenged by gentle, regular stimulation from normal human interaction. Despite the daily false narratives of pop media, hospitals have been empty for three months.
Will plexiglass screens be a permanent fixture in stores and restaurants? Do you need to wear face masks and face shields forever?
Where is the proof that COVID-19 is the “first permanent disease in history?” Preston concluded that it doesn’t make any sense to “tank the economy” in order to protect the country from a normal disease.
Robbins also interviewed Dr. Michael Roizen, the lead wellness officer at Cleveland Clinic.
Roizen was critical of the consequences of the mass lockdown because of the following figures:
Roizen offered suggestions for lockdowns in the country. Instead of preventing everyone from going outside, only those older than 70 should be quarantined since they are at risk. People who are infected should also be quarantined, along with others who are unhealthy.
Roizen believes the lockdown wouldn’t have been necessary if important decisions were made by doctors instead of bureaucrats.
There have also been reports of “deaths of despair” due to the economic catastrophe caused by COVID-19 lockdowns.
Data has shown that:
This proves that the collateral damage from the lockdowns is worse than COVID-19 itself.
Despite evidence to the contrary, officials use masks and lockdowns as measures of compliance.
The government is meddling in the daily lives of regular Americans, but people don’t need to be told how to protect their own health or how to practice medical freedom. Citizens are also being told what drugs or vaccines to inject into their bodies, taking away your rights to be secure in your own person.
O’Shea concluded that healthy Americans don’t need to be quarantined because of pop media’s false narrative and that the government has forgotten one important fact: They work for you and not the other way around.
Make sure this doesn’t happen again during the next election.
To stop bureaucrats from abusing their power, don’t vote for anyone who supports the fake epidemic and sinks the economy, stop listening to corporate propaganda from mass media and pay attention to trusted sources with non-propagandist views.
Stay informed and be wary of mainstream media’s false narrative.
Tagged Under:
China, cities, coronavirus, coronavirus tests, covid-19, deaths, disaster, economy, Fact Check, false narrative, flu, government, herd immunity, infections, mainstream media, mass media, outbreak, outrage, pandemic, priority, propaganda, Public Health, quarantine, social distancing, superbugs, transmission, virus, Wuhan coronavirus
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