11/13/2022 / By Ethan Huff
If you listen to the corporate-controlled media, American elections have never been fairer and more secure. If you listen to common sense, on the other hand, nothing could be further from the truth.
Everything changed the year Donald Trump was reelected – or should have been reelected, had the 2020 election been fair. Because of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), the political class was able to pull a fast one on the public by introducing mail-in voting.
Mail-in voting is arguably the most fraudulent election “enhancement” to occur yet. Anyone can find and fill out a ballot and drop it in the box, where it is later counted as a legitimate vote, usually for Democrats.
There is no verification involved with mail-in voting, nor is there any actual person present to make sure votes are cast at a rate of no more than one per person. There is also no way to verify that the person voting is actually alive. (Related: Remember in 2020 when Pennsylvania election officials magically “discovered” an additional 750,000 mail-in ballots that supported Biden?)
All of this has contributed to a worsening decline in confidence among American voters about the integrity of our nation’s elections. How can elections be free and fair when massive mail-in ballot dumps are taking place in the middle of the night, or when boxes of mail-in ballots mysteriously disappear while in transit from drop boxes to counting centers?
In September, Monmouth University in New Jersey conducted a poll which found that 32 percent of all Americans, including Democrats, no longer trust the integrity of Americans elections.
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The question posed pertained to Donald Trump’s 2020 defeat, but the sentiment of it asked respondents if they believe that the election was fair and nearly one-third said they do not believe it was.
Among Republicans, that percentage was much higher at 61 percent, which is to be expected since Trump and other Republicans were swindled out of their respective victories through voter fraud, which was largely precipitated by the mail-in ballot scheme.
“Nearly two years after the shambolic 2020 U.S. presidential election, tens of millions of ordinary Americans still suspect the election was rigged – through a combination of Big Tech interference, mail-in ballots lacking signature verification, so-called ‘ballot harvesting,’ and the private takeover of government election operations by non-profit organizations controlled by partisan Democrats, funded by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg,” writes Robert J. Hutchinson for LifeSiteNews.
When even Democrats are in agreement that something is wrong with our country’s newfound election procedures, you know that something is definitely wrong with our country’s newfound election procedures, most notably mail-in ballots.
Even TIME magazine, having published an article about this subject back in February 2021, admits that things were not quite right in the 2020 election, and now once again in the 2022 midterm election. TIME wrote that Biden’s victory was the result of:
“… a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information.”
This is quite the admission, though it avoids the use of words like fraud and corruption. The implication is still there, of course, but TIME treaded rather lightly on the subject.
Since that time, more Americans than ever before are fed up with the in-your-face corruption that continues to steal elections for globalists who are concerned only with their own interests rather than those of the American people. If that is ever to change, then the first thing that needs to go are the mail-in ballots.
If election fraud concerns you and you would like to learn more about it, visit VoteFraud.news.
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Tagged Under:
cheaters, democrats, election, election integrity, elections, fraud, freedom, Integrity, left cult, mail-in ballots, rigged, vote democrat, vote fraud, Vote Republican, voting
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