10/13/2020 / By News Editors
As if law-abiding, Patriotic Americans needed any more reason to buy lots and lots of guns and ammo in the days ahead to defend our families and loved ones from Democrat insanity that will surely follow the election no matter who wins, we recently got it from ‘msm talking head’ Keith Olbermann as heard in the important video we’ve embedded directly below from Dinesh D’Souza.
(Article by Stefan Stanford republished from AllNewsPipeline.com)
With Olbermann using the kind of language that Americans haven’t heard since Adolf Hitler’s Germany in the 1930’s, as the Gateway Pundit reports in this new story about Olbermann’s remarks, at least he’s not calling for the mass executions of President Trump and his supporters….yet.
Though as we’ll hear in Olbermann’s remarks, which sadly echo those of many Democrats in 2020, Olbermann is calling for President Trump and his supporters to be ’rounded up’ and ‘removed from society’.
With Olbermann’s remarks also echoing those made by Hillary Clinton back in 2015 when she called for ‘fun camps’ for Conservative American adults to be ‘re-educated’, Olbermann’s chilling words are another perfect reason for Americans to prepare for absolute havoc in the days, weeks and months ahead. From this Gateway Pundit story before we continue.:
Former ESPN host Keith Olbermann ran right up to the line in a revolutionary-style anti-Trump rant on his YouTube channel Thursday calling for the prosecution, conviction and removal from society of President Trump, his supporters and conservatives including Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett.
Olbermann: “Trump can be and must be expunged. The hate he has triggered, the Pandora’s Box he has opened, they will not be so easily destroyed. So, let us brace ourselves. The task is two-fold. The terrorist Trump must be defeated, must be destroyed, must be devoured at the ballot box. And then he and his enablers and his supporters and his collaborators and the Mike Lees and the William Barrs and the Sean Hannitys and the Mike Pences and the Rudy Giulianis and the Kyle Rittenhouses and the Amy Coney Barretts must be prosecuted and convicted and removed from our society while we try to rebuild it, and to rebuild the world Trump has nearly destroyed by turning it over to a virus.
“Remember it. Even as we dream of a return to reality and safety and the country for which our forefathers died, that the fight is not just to win an election, but to win it by enough to chase, at least for a moment, Trump and the ‘MAGATS’ off the stage. And then try to clean up what they left. Remember it. Even though to remember it, means remembering that the fight does not end November 3rd, but in many ways will only begin that day.”
With the top-ranked comment on that Gateway Pundit story offering Olbermann a blunt taste of reality with the comment “Try to round us up Olbermann. Just try it”, as America’s Founding Fathers wrote into law long ago, the 2nd Amendment in America wasn’t created for hunting but for ensuring that tyranny would never take hold in our nation. And any attempts by people like Olbermann to ’round up’ free Americans will be sure to be met by the kind of ‘resistance’ that leftists could only dream of. The video from Dinesh D’Souza referencing Olbermann’s comments before we continue.
And Americans should never think that Keith Olbermann is alone in his insane thoughts as other commenters recently had mentioned as well. With one commenter mentioning “He’s not the only one who thinks like this”, and another commenter mentioning, “This is like NAZI party stuff, the far left propaganda machine, all of it. This is crazy”, this third comment hit the nail right on the head.
“…and Removed From Our Society…” How Maoist of him . . . And exactly how do you plan on doing that, Keith? Bullets? Machetes? Good luck with that! Be careful of what you wish for. Different ballgame entirely once bullets start flying – one ex-ESPN talking heads are evidently not familiar with!
So with Keith Olbermann giving law-abiding Americans across the country another reason to buy lots and lots of guns and ammo to protect their families and loved ones should ‘insane leftists’ attempt to ’round up’ free people, as Susan Duclos recently warned in this ANP story titled “Complete Breakdown Of Civilization Has Already Begun And Total Anarchy Will Follow The Upcoming ‘Meal Shortages’ That ‘Feed America’ Is Warning Us About”, when civilization breaks down, a number of other events follow, like dominoes falling one by one. From her story.:
Rioting, looting, arson becomes something seen so often it appears almost daily on local news stations. Lawlessness in some areas goes unchecked because law enforcement officers have become the targets of violently lawless gangs rather than the enforcers of law. Innocent citizens just trying to go about their lives become targets of gangs and thugs.
All of that has already occurred in the last few months, so we are already on our way to utter and complete lawlessness in America.
When there are no more laws, no rules, no enforcement of the laws that are already on the books, civilization as we know it now, ends.
And while we haven’t quite yet reached the point where all of America is totally engulfed in anarchy and lawlessness, all we have to do is look at numerous Democrat-run cities/states all across America to see what is ahead for us should Joe Biden win at the election booth in just over 3 weeks.
Read more at: AllNewsPipeline.com
Tagged Under:
civil war, executions, government, guns, Keith Olbermann, left cult, Liberal Mob, Liberty, lunatics, mainstream media, msm, murder, politics, Second Amendment, treason, Trump, violence
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